Friday 29 September 2017


The methodology of secondary research, you can start of by searching on the internet for for facts, theories and websites, you can use to gather to information but it must be a creditable source to make sure that the source is creditable you can search for studies on google scholar. 
When you use academic sources (Library Book) it allows you to gain trust worthy information because they are authority sources (People who have the authority to share their theories and studies). Another source of secondary research is the news this is a controversial because there is chance that the news can be fake/biased towards a certain side. There are also benefits of using the news, one of the benefits of the news is that you can use it to compare with your findings. This is an example of one of the websites I have used is explains using facts and statistics to explain the impacts of violence and media on children.  The problem with this link is that it is from an American source which doesn’t correlate with UK children. 

The primary research can be retrieved many ways, but the main three which are considered the best to use. You can create a survey and send it out to specific people that you want to fill out your survey. The advantages of creating a survey is that will allow you to collect valuable data. It also makes it easier to analyse and evaluate your findings to turn into percentages. When sending out a survey it allows the person filling out the survey to be anonymous and they will be more honest on their answers. 
Another type of primary research is observation which is looking over other experiments without engaging an including your input in the findings. For my primary research will do a survey/observation because it will allow me to get in depth answers how they feel about violence in the media/ and the impact on the audience. The demographic that I will sample will be young children aged 5-14 because that is what my secondary research is based on. The aims of my survey is to the most commonly thought theory that violent media is making the teen/children more violent and aggressive. 

Thursday 28 September 2017

My samples were not large enough to be valid, it also was not aimed at people who are in a subculture. Therefore, my sample is not valid and cannot be used to gather a conclusion. I do not think the survey was targeted at subcultures or the whole age group of millennials. The primary research was based on the secondary research that we had discovered but we had not co-operated well enough to find patterns. The questions we asked were clear and enabled us to know whether they knew what a sub-culture was.

 The cross references were not successful because we did not compare all of our information to make links and differences. The finding that were received were relevant to the hypothesis because we linked our points back to it. We did not analyse the data enough because it didn’t have any correlation. Our research does not provide a solid reason for our conclusion because some points clashed with each other. When re doing a research presentation it should be a priority to analyse the results thoroughly to find all correlations. The research we did was not done to aid each other, we all did separate research and didn’t consult each other which resulted in a failure of correlation.