Monday 8 January 2018

Sourced Material

[Royalty Free Music] Dark suspenseful Film Score- "Lurking Darkness" -

Suspense Music - Seeking The Truth -

Action Fraud- 

Sound Effects


Video Production and Copyright Questions

 1. What techniques of composition & continuity will you use (100 words min)

 2. What Mise en scene (actors, costume, props, set dressing) and why? (100 words)

 3. Location or Studio shoot and why? How will you maintain continuity? (100 words?) 

 4. What is the 180 deg rule & rule of 3rds - demonstrate with your cameraphones and upload to blog

The first technique of composition that I will be using is fill the frame, this will be used when the wallet is on the wallet is on the ground because it shows that it is important to the narrative of the video.  Another technique of composition I will use will be symmetry when having the thief talk to the camera, this is to make it more attractive the audiences' eye. When shooting for continuity I will be using shots like, match on action, reverse shot, this will keep continuity. 

The parts of mise en scene I will be using throughout my video production will be the thief's costume, they will have black gloves and black hoodie and jeans, the reason for this is because it stereo typically relates to a thief's clothing's and the hoodie shows that they are dangerous/ a criminal.  The reason  I will have black clothing for the thief is because all black clothing is usually associated negatively and it gives the viewer a mysterious feeling on who it might be. The thief will be a male because they have been the bad character throughout majority of the examples of identity theft videos. The victim can be of any gender because they have variety of genders throughout each example. 

The first location will be on a bus stop on the road, the reason for this is because it can be relatable because many people have to run for busses and have dropped something. This will also be a populated area which means there are many people to take the victims identity.  The second location will be the college studio, the reason for this is to record the face to face scene with the thief and being in a studio will allow me to control the lighting and set the mood for the audience. 

There are many different camera techniques that have been created to increase/create an effect in film.  The 180 degree rule also known as crossing the line is a rule of keeping to one side of characters or a moving object to prevent audience disorientation and confusion.  Two characters in a scene should keep the same left/right relationship. The rule of thirds is applied by aligning the shot with grid lines, focusing the on the top third of the shot is more effective than centring it.  

Copyright and Clearances

My first sourced asset was my background music; this will be sourced on YouTube. There are many considerations to be taken into place when taking content from YouTube, I made sure that my chosen background music is copyright free and royalty free.  By looking into the description on the video the creator stated I can use it for free if I am using for a school project. The second sourced asset will be my sound effects, this is a very important for looking into the copyright and clearances, because without the sound effects it will not sound realistic. I sourced my SFX from which meant it was created under creative commons which means that anyone can use it for free unless you are using to for promotional purposes. If I did use it for promotional purpose it could lead to legal action. The locations I want to use is the Sidcup train station, for me to film in this location I will have to call them find out if I can film there. Second scene location will be the college green room; I will not need any clearances apart from verbal agreement from Mr French. The final sourced asset will be my facts and statistics I want to say during the advertisement, I will clear any problems by looking into the author of the article and the publisher, I may have to state my source.