Thursday 3 May 2018

Exam Plan (Question 1)

Question 1: Understanding research methods and interpreting research data
1.           Introduction – an overview of your understanding of the significance of the topic
-Women are being represented sexually
-Superhero’s having negative impacts on children
-Marvel owned by Disney buying back
-The biggest audience watching are 45-54
-Superhero Fatigue 
-Increase in popularity of television (Matching film)
-Games, Print & Digital comics (Not as popular)
-45-54 watching ‘The Flash’  most out of all ages
2.           What are the Conclusions made of the article [executive summary] and what connections are there to theories (Audience) and debates (Technology positive or negative impact)
- Superhero Fatigue (2016) –A Negative effect on consumption
-Trend of spectacle and CGI-More believable (Positive impact on production) -Effects Model
-  Netflix viewing figures for Daredevil
-Popularity of superheroes (Film & TV) not connected to other sectors (Shared Experience) – Impact on production
- Impact on production of Marvel Universe on launching the DC Universe
Adult 45-54 (Most common age group watching Flash) - Uses & Gratification – Escapism 
3.           Analyse & Evaluate the research methodology used – surveys? Interviews?
How suitable are the tools they chose?
Are they collecting the right data to support these findings?
BARB (British Audience Research Board)-Suitable for audience breakdowns
BFI UK Box Office Annual Reports-A reliable and suitable source  
Comichron – Very suitable because its not biased
Daredevil statistics is for the US (Could have been worked out differently)
Guardian ( Suitable but have a bias)
No Primary
4.           Which Qualitative AND Quantitative data is presented in the findings and how balanced is it?

Weakness – All secondary no primary research
Box Office Gross (Not updated to the current time)
Sky 1 Viewing Figures
M F Audience Breakdown
Comic book sales 2012-2016
Dr Fredric Wertham Book
Balanced in a sense it covers all sectors
More quantitative than qualitative (Unbalanced)
5.           How Trustworthy is the qualitative compared to the quantitative?
Is it valid or reliable?
Is there any bias?
Dr Fredric Wertham Book
Not reliable due to cases where he has manipulated evidence
American Psychological Association (Biased
Not reliable or valid (Run by homosexual Activists-Biased)
Hilary Pennell (PHD) & Elizabeth Behm-Morawitz (PHD)
Reliable and trustworthy (No bias)