Monday 4 December 2017

Research Catalogue

Research Catalogue

Source 1: BBC November 2017
This is a website article created by a technology reporter which allowed me to link together with my primary research. This is a useful source because it showed me how much time the children spend online; this can be linked with parental concerns with children’s media use.

Source 2: The Guardian November 2017
This is one of my most relevant and useful information because it relates with all of my research and gives me a building points for a hypothesis.

Source 3: BARB November 2017
The website BARB also known as Broadcasting Audience Research Board, they are responsible with gathering statistics about audience consumption patterns. This is useful because my chosen sector is television and this shows the audiences viewing patterns and what they enjoy it also shows multiple time points.

Source 4: Child wise December 2017
This was a report created by child wise who are a reliable source of information because their job is to find statistics about children and how they spend their time. This is a useful alternative for Ofcom 2016 report because it has relevant information that can be linked with my primary and other secondary.

Source 5: Focus Group November 2017
My first primary research method was useful because it was an extension from my survey and asked children directly about their uses, but not only were they asked what devices they use they were also asked why to get the qualitative information.

Source 6: Survey November 2017

This is my final primary research method, this was a survey asked to parents of children aged 5-15, this showed what children prefer and what media devices they watch television. It also allowed me to make links with my secondary to create a hypothesis.

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