Monday 9 October 2017

A creditable source is a high quality and trustworthy source and we can believe it. When using a creditable source to back up your work it makes your work seem more reliable and improve you the effectiveness of work. The parts to a sources credibility is that the authors point of view because there could be a bias within their work. The bias has a chance to be done by accident but it can also be done on purpose which means their work cannot be reliable. To make sure a work is creditable is by going on google scholar to find books from people who are academically qualified. The level of expertise and experience of the author, this is important because if they do not a have a high level of expertise their work will not be considered creditable. Peer reviewed is an evaluation of academic or professional by others within the same area. Their is also a acronym called CRAAP, which is used to test and evaluate the creditability of work. The C stands for currency, when was the information created and published, when was it updated and is it still valid to today. R stands for relevance, is the information that is presented relevant to the topic, is the readership level at the correct level. A stands for authority, are the authors and the editors who created it have academic authority? are their articles peer reviewed by other professionals? Who are the publishers (Scholarly presses, Popular presses or Self-Published) The A stands for accuracy, is the sourced information relevant to your topic, how many relevant sources are mentioned. Finally, P stands for purpose, what is the purpose, what is the authors bias and how might it influence the information, there can be more than one perspective on an issue. Wikipedia is not a useful source for information, this is because it can be edited by anyone who logs in to the website. The websites information is very unreliable because anyone can edit it and is not reviewed by professionals. Google scholar is a useful search engine because it filters through the internet for academic books and reports, the pieces of work that has been peer reviewed by other professionals.

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