Thursday 12 October 2017

In my group I was responsible for collecting one primary research and two secondary sources. The sample size of my survey was 13, this is not as large as it should be because it needed to represent the rest of the United Kingdom, another problem is that I did not make it specific enough. My samples were not large enough to be valid, it also was not aimed at people who are in a subculture. Therefore, my sample is not valid and cannot be used to gather a conclusion. The next time I will do my surveys I will make sure to send them out to more people and to send it out to people of all different ages to get a better representation, this will also give me a wider range of opinions about how the survey takers think about millennials. The target of the survey was millenials and millennials within subcultures, but I did not I have achieved it. I do not think the survey was targeted at subcultures or the whole age group of millennials. The primary research was based on the secondary research that we had discovered but we had not co-operated well enough to find patterns. The questions that were asked throughout the survey did not relate to subcultures which was another problem. However, the questions we asked were clear and enabled us to know whether they knew what a sub-culture was but did not get enough detail about how the got into them.  The cross references were not successful because we did not compare all of our information to make links and differences. The research was not done correctly which meant that I couldn’t correctly give survey questions and receive the correct responses. The finding that were received were relevant to the hypothesis because we linked our points back to it. We did not analyse the data enough because it didn’t have any correlation. Our research does not provide a solid reason for our conclusion because some points clashed with each other. When re doing a research presentation it should be a priority to analyse the results thoroughly to find all correlations. The research we did was not done to aid each other, we all did separate research and didn’t consult each other which resulted in a failure of correlation. Overall I think that we don’t know weather millenials are not in subclutures due to the development of the internet. The worst part of my sections of the PowerPoint is that we did not link the points within the PowerPoint and didn’t link it sub cultures either

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