Monday 27 November 2017

Exam Question 2 (Timed)

Exam Question 2: 
How far does the primary and secondary research you have conducted support the 
conclusions drawn in the article?

The primary research that I have taken does not exactly support the Ofcom 2014 article, one of the conclusions drawn from my research is that children are beginning to prefer YouTube and Netflix over television which was discovered from my survey. I asked parents about their children's media habits and how they choose to spend their time, majority of the answers given when asked does the child prefer YouTube over television, they said they choose YouTube. This does not support the Ofcom article because it declines their conclusion that television is watched more than YouTube, and by analysing my results it is clear to see that this is not true. Another piece of primary research that I had conducted was a focus group with children of different ages between 5-15. The results shown from my focus group supports the conclusion that boys prefer to play video games and girls prefer social media. I had asked them what devices they prefer and why they have chosen that. ½ of the boys said that they preferred video game consoles and the ½ of the girls said they liked to use iPhone to talk to their friends. 

The first secondary source I have conducted are two articles from The guardian, in this article it talks about how much time children spend using the internet, and the second article explains how children are watching less television and more YouTube. This supports the article because they came to the conclusion that Television would be the most missed media device, this is not supported with this article because it shows that children are spending 3 hours on the internet compared to 2.1 hours watching television. Another secondary source is the website BARB, this is a website which displays the watch percentages of children’s’ television and other genres of TV shows. I have converted all viewing percentages into graphs for the months January, May and August for the years 2017, 2016, 2015. The results show me that children are not watching television as much as they had done in 2015, which is the highest for every month. This negates the conclusion that TV is the media device that would be missed most overall, this is because Ofcom concluded that that children spend 15.4 hours a week and 37% of 5 to 15 year olds. 

My final secondary source that I used is my BBC article which suggested the the amount of time children spend on their devices, this helps draw out the conclusion about parents concerns on children uses of media. 

1 comment:

  1. Band 3: 10

    Change the approach - you are writing about the REPORT's conclusions using Your research findings, to evaluate how far they back up the report. You are focusing here on describing your research rather than using it to critique the report.

    Explains the research findings & their relationship to the context of the article

    Clear links made as to the relationship between own research and article
    - Be more detailed in connecting your results to the report - see below

    Relevant comments how research supports article’s conclusions
    - see above, make the connections clearer by having the conclusion as the starting point and your findings as the evidence, then evaluate the extent they back it up.
    Use your Executive summary and your hierarchy of findings to match them up to help you
