Thursday 23 November 2017

Research Validity & Reliability | Harvard Method

Name of Item: BBC Article (Children Spend Six hours or more a day on screens)

Author: Jane Wakefield                                         Year of Publication/Publisher: 27th March 2015

Validity of Document: The article created by Jane Wakefield is validated but the problems with it is that it was posted in 2015 which means it is outdated.

History of Document / Author: Technology Reporter

Ideological Bias: The BBC are centred

Financial Bias: Publically Funded

Evaluation: The information from the article is not appropriate to the rest of my research, but it does relate to parts of the Ofcom report. The information is trustworthy because it is from a centred background. The issues that must be followed up with is finding out where they have sourced their information.

Name of Item: Ofcom Report (2016)

Author: Ofcom                                                         Year of Publication/Publisher: 2017

Validity of Document: This document is valid because it is the most up to date version of it and they use facts and statistics to back up any points they have made.

History of Document / Author: They have collectively created the same report over multiple years

Ideological Bias: Centre

Financial Bias: Government Funded

Evaluation: The information from this report is one of the most appropriate to my research and since it is an updated version of original stimulus. The information is trustworthy because it is up to date and from a source which is a reliable.

Name of Item: The Guardian (Children spending more time online than watching TV for the first time) & (Children spending less time in front of the TV as they turn to online media)

Author: Jasper Jackson                                        Year of Publication/Publisher: 2016 & 2015

Validity of Document: The 2016 document is the most relevant and was created from a valid source who has authority on the subject they are talking about.

History of Document / Author: Assistant Media editor of The Guardian

Ideological Bias: Centre Left

Financial Bias: Privately Owned

Evaluation: The information was appropriate because it backed up my primary research, this also contradicts the Ofcom report. The guardian is a trustworthy source of information because it is a centred left company which means they are not conservative.

Name of Item: BARB         

Author: BARB                                                                              Year of Publication/Publisher: 2017, 2016, 2015

Validity of Document: This is a valid source of information because they are using facts and statistics to show the figures of television viewing percentages.

History of Document / Author:  BARB is Broadcasters’ Audience Research Board, they collect and display the viewing figures for UK television audiences.

Ideological Bias: -

Financial Bias: The company is financed from other large companies within the Television industry, BARB is a not-for-profit company.

Evaluation: The information is appropriate because it relates back to the original Ofcom report and shows the audiences viewing percentage for certain genres of TV channels which Ofcom is missing.

Name of Item: Survey

Author: Myself                                                         Year of Publication/Publisher:2017

Validity of Document:-

History of Document / Author -

Ideological Bias: -

Financial Bias: -

Evaluation: Information from my primary research was appropriate to my secondary research and the original report, the results from my survey did not correlate with the survey Ofcom created but, links with The Guardian and BARB.

Name of Item: Focus Group

Author: Myself                                                                           Year of Publication/Publisher: 2017

Validity of Document: -

History of Document / Author: -

Ideological Bias: -

Financial Bias: -

Evaluation: The information was partly appropriate because some questions have already been asked in survey which was done previously. I can trust the information because I have individually collected the research and no bias was involved in it.

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